An optional feature, W&B can be integrated into EFB-Pro.
The specific seat and baggage configuration for the users aircraft is displayed. Clicking the M, F or C button to the left of the seat layout, then click on each seat to place a male, female or child respectively. An ACTUAL weight can be entered for any seat or for passengers outside of the standard weight model, such as athletic team members (see 230 entry in this image).
The user simply enters the weights corresponding to the bag stations and the new gross weight and CG are displayed. Fuel weight is also entered in a similar manner though a fuel moment "lookup" table is utilized.
The resulting CG (in inches and %MAC) is then displayed graphically within the operating envelop for the aircraft as a small dot. The CG shift resulting from fuel burn is displayed as a line leading from the CG symbol, passing through the landing CG and terminating at the zero fuel CG value. Values outside the acceptable range are shown in red.
The GRAPHICAL W&B allows the user to use standard weights for men, women and children. Notice in the pictures to the right, that a numeric keypad appears for easy entry and that LBS appears in the selected seat.
The winter and summer weights are toggled by the user or automatically by date, both of which the user sets.
AC120-27E Weight & Balance compliant
Using the standard weight module also allows full compliance with the recent AC120-27E circular. The W&B information (T/O Weight, CG, CG Limits, CG envelop, %MAC, zero fuel weight and passenger weight) can be printed.
Crew names can be saved within the software and included in the W&B. Fulfills FAR § 135.63 Identification of crew members and their crew position assignments.
See below for the envelop screen