EFB-Pro  Email Output 



EFB_Email.JPGIn addition to the screen and printer output, EFB-Pro allows the user to send both the TOLD card and the W&B as email.

The email can be sent:

1) "on the fly" to a manually entered email address (which is remembered for the next time) or

2) automatically to two (2) or more stored email addresses when the forms are printed.

The TOLD card displays the results from the performance screen as well as the pertinent conditions for the computation.  The email format works on most smartphones as well as regular email clients.

The W&B displays the complete Weight list (BOW, pax etc) and the limits for takeoff and landing. See below



EFB_WB2.JPGAfter completing the W&B, the user presses the EMAIL button which is illuminated and sends this message.

Noticed that both emails are timestamped with the tailnumber and date for easy archiving.

EFB-Pro for Windows (Turbine) $50
Click Here for Product Details! Performance Calculator for Windows PC, laptops and EFBs WHEN ORDERING: SELECT NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT FROM PULL DOWN LIST LEAVE QNTY AT 1