General Description 

Form 8130 for Windows is a self contained windows program that allows the user to complete the FAA Authorized Release Certificate (previously known as the Airworthiness Approval Tag) on-screen and print out the FAA approved forms on plain white paper.

Click on image to enlarge


Most fields can be pre-set to default values.

 Reference, invoice and batch numbers can be set to automatically increment.

Pull-down lists allow easy "point and click" entry. 

Pre-set authorized names for signature box inclusion and remarks text.

The new regulation requires that section 14-18 or 19-23 be "shaded out" if not used.  This software performs that task automatically.

Status and eligibility entries are stored in the pull-down lists for future use.

Two organization fields available for station numbers, alternate address etc.

Searching Forms

Forms are saved to a central database and can be searched by setting the search criteria, such as by description, part number, date, name, certificate number, invoice/work order number, or other fields within FIND.

Invoice and Work order numbers can be set to auto-increment.  Most fields can be set to pre-fill. 


Forms print on plain white copy paper and look identical to the FAA Form 8130-3.  Prints on 8 ½ x 11 paper in both portrait and landscape modes.  The non-used portion of blocks 14-18 or 19-23 are shaded in gray (optional). 

System Requirements

Windows 95 or above

PC based computer with sufficient memory

Laser, Inkjet or DeskJet printer


 First license  $99/yr
 Additional licenses  $10 /yr